Javascript API

Backward compatibility of the API is not guaranteed at this point.




A deprecated promise that resolves to undefined when Pyodide is finished loading.


A deprecated parameter that specifies the Pyodide indexURL.


The pyodide module object.


async loadPyodide(config)

Load the main Pyodide wasm module and initialize it.



Deprecated: Will be removed in version 0.18.0

type: Promise

A deprecated promise that resolves to undefined when Pyodide is finished loading. Only created if languagePluginUrl is defined. Instead use loadPyodide.



Deprecated: Will be removed in version 0.18.0

type: String

A deprecated parameter that specifies the Pyodide indexURL. If present, Pyodide will automatically invoke loadPyodide({indexURL : languagePluginUrl}) and will store the resulting promise in globalThis.languagePluginLoader. Use loadPyodide directly instead of defining this.


type: Object

The pyodide module object. Must be present as a global variable called pyodide in order for package loading to work properly.


Load the main Pyodide wasm module and initialize it. When finished stores the Pyodide module as a global object called pyodide.

  • config.indexURL (string) – The URL from which Pyodide will load packages


The Pyodide module.




An alias to the global Python namespace.


The list of packages that Pyodide has loaded.


An alias to the Python pyodide package.


The Pyodide version.



Is the argument a PyProxy?

async loadPackage(names, messageCallback, errorCallback)

Load a package or a list of packages over the network.

async loadPackagesFromImports(code, messageCallback, errorCallback)

Inspect a Python code chunk and use pyodide.loadPackage() to install any known packages that the code chunk imports.


Access a Python object in the global namespace from Javascript.

registerJsModule(name, module)

Registers the Javascript object module as a Javascript module named name.

runPython(code, globals)

Runs a string of Python code from Javascript.

async runPythonAsync(code, messageCallback, errorCallback)

Runs Python code, possibly asynchronously loading any known packages that the code imports.

toPy(obj, depth)

Convert the Javascript object to a Python object as best as possible.


Unregisters a Javascript module with given name that has been previously registered with pyodide.registerJsModule() or pyodide.register_js_module().



A Javascript error caused by a Python exception.


type: PyProxy

An alias to the global Python namespace.

For example, to access a variable called foo in the Python global scope, use pyodide.globals.get("foo")


type: object

The list of packages that Pyodide has loaded. Use Object.keys(pyodide.loadedPackages) to get the list of names of loaded packages, and pyodide.loadedPackages[package_name] to access install location for a particular package_name.


type: PyProxy

An alias to the Python pyodide package.

You can use this to call functions defined in the Pyodide Python package from Javascript.


type: string

The Pyodide version.

It can be either the exact release version (e.g. 0.1.0), or the latest release version followed by the number of commits since, and the git hash of the current commit (e.g. 0.1.0-1-bd84646).


Is the argument a PyProxy?

  • jsobj (any) – Object to test.


bool – Is jsobj a PyProxy?

asyncpyodide.loadPackage(names, messageCallback, errorCallback)

Load a package or a list of packages over the network. This installs the package in the virtual filesystem. The package needs to be imported from Python before it can be used.

  • names (String|Array|PyProxy) – Either a single package name or URL or a list of them. URLs can be absolute or relative. The URLs must have file name <package-name>.js and there must be a file called <package-name>.data in the same directory. The argument can be a PyProxy of a list, in which case the list will be converted to Javascript and the PyProxy will be destroyed.

  • messageCallback (function) – A callback, called with progress messages (optional)

  • errorCallback (function) – A callback, called with error/warning messages (optional)

asyncpyodide.loadPackagesFromImports(code, messageCallback, errorCallback)

Inspect a Python code chunk and use pyodide.loadPackage() to install any known packages that the code chunk imports. Uses the Python API pyodide.find_imports() to inspect the code.

For example, given the following code as input

import numpy as np x = np.array([1, 2, 3])

loadPackagesFromImports() will call pyodide.loadPackage(['numpy']). See also runPythonAsync().

  • code (string) – The code to inspect.

  • messageCallback (function) – The messageCallback argument of pyodide.loadPackage (optional).

  • errorCallback (function) – The errorCallback argument of pyodide.loadPackage (optional).



Deprecated: This function will be removed in version 0.18.0. Use pyodide.globals.get('key') instead.

Access a Python object in the global namespace from Javascript.

  • name (string) – Python variable name


The Python object translated to Javascript.

pyodide.registerJsModule(name, module)

Registers the Javascript object module as a Javascript module named name. This module can then be imported from Python using the standard Python import system. If another module by the same name has already been imported, this won’t have much effect unless you also delete the imported module from sys.modules. This calls the pyodide_py API pyodide.register_js_module().

  • name (string) – Name of the Javascript module to add

  • module (object) – Javascript object backing the module

pyodide.runPython(code, globals)

Runs a string of Python code from Javascript.

The last part of the string may be an expression, in which case, its value is returned.

  • code (string) – Python code to evaluate

  • globals (dict) – An optional Python dictionary to use as the globals. Defaults to pyodide.globals. Uses the Python API pyodide.eval_code to evaluate the code.


The result of the Python code translated to Javascript. See the documentation for pyodide.eval_code for more info.

asyncpyodide.runPythonAsync(code, messageCallback, errorCallback)

Runs Python code, possibly asynchronously loading any known packages that the code imports. For example, given the following code

import numpy as np
x = np.array([1, 2, 3])

Pyodide will first call pyodide.loadPackage(['numpy']), and then run the code using the Python API pyodide.eval_code_async, returning the result. The code is compiled with PyCF_ALLOW_TOP_LEVEL_AWAIT.

For example:

let result = await pyodide.runPythonAsync(`
    # numpy will automatically be loaded by loadPackagesFromImports
    import numpy as np
    # we can use top level await
    from js import fetch
    response = await fetch("./packages.json")
    packages = await response.json()
    # If final statement is an expression, its value is returned to
Javascript len(packages.dependencies.object_keys())

`); console.log(result); // 72

  • code (string) – Python code to evaluate

  • messageCallback (function) – The messageCallback argument of pyodide.loadPackage.

  • errorCallback (function) – The errorCallback argument of pyodide.loadPackage.


The result of the Python code translated to Javascript.

pyodide.toPy(obj, depth)

Convert the Javascript object to a Python object as best as possible.

This is similar to JsProxy.to_py but for use from Javascript. If the object is immutable or a PyProxy, it will be returned unchanged. If the object cannot be converted into Python, it will be returned unchanged.

See Javascript to Python for more information.

  • obj (*) –

  • depth (number) – Optional argument to limit the depth of the conversion.


PyProxy – The object converted to Python.


Unregisters a Javascript module with given name that has been previously registered with pyodide.registerJsModule() or pyodide.register_js_module(). If a Javascript module with that name does not already exist, will throw an error. Note that if the module has already been imported, this won’t have much effect unless you also delete the imported module from sys.modules. This calls the pyodide_py API pyodide.unregister_js_module().

  • name (string) – Name of the Javascript module to remove

class pyodide.PythonError()

A Javascript error caused by a Python exception.

In order to reduce the risk of large memory leaks, the PythonError contains no reference to the Python exception that caused it. You can find the actual Python exception that caused this error as sys.last_value.

See Translating Errors for more information.

Avoid Stack Frames

If you make a PyProxy of sys.last_value, you should be especially careful to destroy() it when you are done. You may leak a large amount of memory including the local variables of all the stack frames in the traceback if you don’t. The easiest way is to only handle the exception in Python.


type: string

The Python traceback.


A PyProxy is an object that allows idiomatic use of a Python object from Javascript. See Proxying from Python into Javascript.



The length of the object.


The name of the type of the object.



This translates to the Python code iter(obj).


Runs asyncio.ensure_future(awaitable) and executes onRejected(error) if the future fails.


This translates to the Python code del obj[key].


Destroy the PyProxy.


Runs asyncio.ensure_future(awaitable) and executes onFinally(error) when the future resolves.


This translates to the Python code obj[key].


Get a view of the buffer data which is usable from Javascript.


This translates to the Python code key in obj.


This translates to the Python code next(obj).

set(key, value)

This translates to the Python code obj[key] = value.

then(onFulfilled, onRejected)

Runs asyncio.ensure_future(awaitable), executes onFulfilled(result) when the Future resolves successfully, executes onRejected(error) when the Future fails.


Converts the PyProxy into a Javascript object as best as possible.



A class to allow access to a Python data buffers from Javascript.


The length of the object.

Present only if the proxied Python object has a __len__ method.


The name of the type of the object.

Usually the value is "" but for builtins or interpreter-defined types it is just "name". As pseudocode this is:

ty = type(x)
if ty.__module__ == 'builtins' or ty.__module__ == "__main__":
    return ty.__name__
    ty.__module__ + "." + ty.__name__

This translates to the Python code iter(obj). Return an iterator associated to the proxy. See the documentation for Symbol.iterator.

Present only if the proxied Python object is iterable (i.e., has an __iter__ method).

This will be used implicitly by for(let x of proxy){}.


Iterator – An iterator for the proxied Python object.


Runs asyncio.ensure_future(awaitable) and executes onRejected(error) if the future fails.

See the documentation for Promise.catch.

Present only if the proxied Python object is awaitable.

  • onRejected (function) – A handler called with the error as an argument if the awaitable fails.


Promise – The resulting Promise.


This translates to the Python code del obj[key].

Present only if the proxied Python object has a __delitem__ method.

  • key (any) – The key to delete.


Destroy the PyProxy. This will release the memory. Any further attempt to use the object will raise an error.

In a browser supporting FinalizationRegistry Pyodide will automatically destroy the PyProxy when it is garbage collected, however there is no guarantee that the finalizer will be run in a timely manner so it is better to destory the proxy explicitly.


Runs asyncio.ensure_future(awaitable) and executes onFinally(error) when the future resolves.

See the documentation for Promise.finally.

Present only if the proxied Python object is awaitable.

  • onFinally (function) – A handler that is called with zero arguments when the awaitable resolves.


Promise – A Promise that resolves or rejects with the same result as the original Promise, but only after executing the onFinally handler.


This translates to the Python code obj[key].

Present only if the proxied Python object has a __getitem__ method.

  • key (any) – The key to look up.


The corresponding value.


Get a view of the buffer data which is usable from Javascript. No copy is ever performed.

Present only if the proxied Python object supports the Python Buffer Protocol.

We do not support suboffsets, if the buffer requires suboffsets we will throw an error. Javascript nd array libraries can’t handle suboffsets anyways. In this case, you should use the toJs api or copy the buffer to one that doesn’t use suboffets (using e.g., numpy.ascontiguousarray).

If the buffer stores big endian data or half floats, this function will fail without an explicit type argument. For big endian data you can use toJs. DataViews have support for big endian data, so you might want to pass 'dataview' as the type argument in that case.

  • type (string) – The type of field in the output. Should be one of: "i8", "u8", "u8clamped", "i16", "u16", "i32", "u32", "i32", "u32", "i64", "u64", "f32", "f64, or "dataview". This argument is optional, if absent getBuffer will try to determine the appropriate output type based on the buffer format string.




This translates to the Python code key in obj.

Present only if the proxied Python object has a __contains__ method.

  • key (*) – The key to check for.


bool – Is key present?

This translates to the Python code next(obj). Returns the next value of the generator. See the documentation for The argument will be sent to the Python generator.

This will be used implicitly by for(let x of proxy){}.

Present only if the proxied Python object is a generator or iterator (i.e., has a send or __next__ method).

  • value (*) – The value to send to the generator. The value will be assigned as a result of a yield expression.


Object – An Object with two properties: done and value. When the generator yields some_value, next returns {done : false, value : some_value}. When the generator raises a StopIteration(result_value) exception, next returns {done : true, value : result_value}.

PyProxy.set(key, value)

This translates to the Python code obj[key] = value.

Present only if the proxied Python object has a __setitem__ method.

  • key (any) – The key to set.

  • value (any) – The value to set it to.

PyProxy.then(onFulfilled, onRejected)

Runs asyncio.ensure_future(awaitable), executes onFulfilled(result) when the Future resolves successfully, executes onRejected(error) when the Future fails. Will be used implictly by await obj.

See the documentation for Promise.then

Present only if the proxied Python object is awaitable.

  • onFulfilled (function) – A handler called with the result as an argument if the awaitable succeeds.

  • onRejected (function) – A handler called with the error as an argument if the awaitable fails.


Promise – The resulting Promise.


Converts the PyProxy into a Javascript object as best as possible. By default does a deep conversion, if a shallow conversion is desired, you can use proxy.toJs(1). See Explicit Conversion of PyProxy for more info.

  • depth (number) – How many layers deep to perform the conversion. Defaults to infinite.


The Javascript object resulting from the conversion.

class PyProxy.PyBuffer()

A class to allow access to a Python data buffers from Javascript. These are produced by PyProxy.getBuffer and cannot be constructed directly. When you are done, release it with the release method. See Python buffer protocol documentation for more information.

To find the element x[a_1, ..., a_n], you could use the following code:

function multiIndexToIndex(pybuff, multiIndex){
   if(multindex.length !==pybuff.ndim){
      throw new Error("Wrong length index");
   let idx = pybuff.offset;
   for(let i = 0; i < pybuff.ndim; i++){
      if(multiIndex[i] < 0){
         multiIndex[i] = pybuff.shape[i] - multiIndex[i];
      if(multiIndex[i] < 0 || multiIndex[i] >= pybuff.shape[i]){
         throw new Error("Index out of range");
      idx += multiIndex[i] * pybuff.stride[i];
   return idx;
console.log("entry is",[multiIndexToIndex(pybuff, [2, 0, -1])]);


If the buffer is not contiguous, the data TypedArray will contain data that is not part of the buffer. Modifying this data may lead to undefined behavior.

Readonly buffers

If buffer.readonly is true, you should not modify the buffer. Modifying a readonly buffer may lead to undefined behavior.

Converting between TypedArray types

The following naive code to change the type of a typed array does not work:

// Incorrectly convert a TypedArray.
// Produces a Uint16Array that points to the entire WASM memory!
let myarray = new Uint16Array(;

Instead, if you want to convert the output TypedArray, you need to say:

// Correctly convert a TypedArray.
let myarray = new Uint16Array(,,

type: boolean

Is it C contiguous?

type: TypedArray

The actual data. A typed array of an appropriate size backed by a segment of the WASM memory.

The type argument of getBuffer determines which sort of TypedArray this is, by default getBuffer will look at the format string to determine the most appropriate option.


type: boolean

Is it Fortran contiguous?


type: string

The format string for the buffer. See the Python documentation on format strings.


type: number

How large is each entry (in bytes)?


type: number

The total number of bytes the buffer takes up. This is equal to


type: number

The number of dimensions of the buffer. If ndim is 0, the buffer represents a single scalar or struct. Otherwise, it represents an array.


type: number

The offset of the first entry of the array. For instance if our array is 3d, then you will find array[0,0,0] at[pybuf.offset]


type: boolean

If the data is readonly, you should not modify it. There is no way for us to enforce this, but it may cause very weird behavior.


type: number[]

The shape of the buffer, that is how long it is in each dimension. The length will be equal to ndim. For instance, a 2x3x4 array would have shape [2, 3, 4].


type: number[]

An array of of length ndim giving the number of elements to skip to get to a new element in each dimension. See the example definition of a multiIndexToIndex function above.


Release the buffer. This allows the memory to be reclaimed.