pyodide-build CLI#

A command line interface (CLI) for pyodide_build

pyodide-build [-h] {serve,mkpkg} ...

pyodide-build options#

  • -h, --help - show this help message and exit

pyodide serve#

Start a server with the supplied build_dir and port.

pyodide serve [-h] [--build_dir BUILD_DIR] [--port PORT]

pyodide serve options#

  • -h, --help - show this help message and exit

  • --build_dir BUILD_DIR - set the build directory (default: %(default)s) (default: build)

  • --port PORT - set the PORT number (default: %(default)s) (default: 8000)

pyodide mkpkg#

Make a new pyodide package. Creates a simple template that will work for most pure Python packages, but will have to be edited for more complex things.

pyodide mkpkg [-h] [--update] [--update-if-not-patched] [--source-format SOURCE_FORMAT]
              [--version VERSION]

pyodide mkpkg positional arguments#

  • package - The package name on PyPI (default: None)

pyodide mkpkg options#

  • -h, --help - show this help message and exit

  • --update - Update existing package (default: False)

  • --update-if-not-patched - Update existing package if it has no patches (default: False)

  • --source-format SOURCE_FORMAT - Which source format is preferred. Options are wheel or sdist. If none is provided, then either a wheel or an sdist will be used. When updating a package, the type will be kept the same if possible. (default: None)

  • --version VERSION - Package version string, e.g. v1.2.1 (defaults to latest stable release)