Packages built in Pyodide#
This is the list of Python packages included with the current version of
Pyodide. These packages can be loaded with pyodide.loadPackage()
. See Loading packages for information about
loading packages. Pure Python packages with wheels on PyPI can be loaded
directly from PyPI with micropip.install()
Name |
Version |
asciitree |
0.3.3 |
astropy |
5.2.2 |
atomicwrites |
1.4.1 |
attrs |
22.2.0 |
autograd |
1.5 |
bcrypt |
4.0.1 |
beautifulsoup4 |
4.12.0 |
biopython |
1.81 |
bitarray |
2.7.3 |
bleach |
6.0.0 |
bokeh |
3.1.0 |
boost-histogram |
1.3.2 |
brotli |
1.0.9 |
cbor-diag |
1.0.0 |
certifi |
2022.12.7 |
cffi |
1.15.1 |
cffi_example |
0.1 |
cftime |
1.6.2 |
click |
8.1.3 |
cligj |
0.7.2 |
cloudpickle |
2.2.1 |
cmyt |
1.1.3 |
colorspacious |
1.1.2 |
coverage |
7.2.2 |
cramjam |
2.6.2 |
cryptography |
39.0.2 |
cssselect |
1.2.0 |
cycler |
0.11.0 |
cytoolz |
0.12.1 |
decorator |
5.1.1 |
demes |
0.2.2 |
distlib |
0.3.6 |
docutils |
0.19 |
exceptiongroup |
1.1.1 |
fastparquet |
2023.2.0 |
fiona |
1.8.22 |
fonttools |
4.39.3 |
freesasa |
2.2.0.post3 |
fsspec |
2023.3.0 |
future |
0.18.3 |
galpy |
1.8.3 |
gensim |
4.3.1 |
geopandas |
0.12.2 |
gmpy2 |
2.1.5 |
gsw |
3.6.16 |
h5py |
3.7.0 |
html5lib |
1.1 |
idna |
3.4 |
imageio |
2.27.0 |
iniconfig |
2.0.0 |
jedi |
0.18.2 |
Jinja2 |
3.1.2 |
joblib |
1.2.0 |
jsonschema |
4.17.3 |
kiwisolver |
1.4.4 |
lazy-object-proxy |
1.9.0 |
lightgbm |
3.3.5 |
logbook |
1.5.3 |
lxml |
4.9.2 |
MarkupSafe |
2.1.2 |
matplotlib |
3.5.2 |
matplotlib-pyodide |
0.1.1 |
micropip |
0.3.0 |
mne |
1.3.1 |
more-itertools |
9.1.0 |
mpmath |
1.3.0 |
msgpack |
1.0.5 |
msprime |
1.2.0 |
multidict |
6.0.4 |
munch |
2.5.0 |
mypy |
1.1.1 |
networkx |
3.0 |
newick |
1.9.0 |
nlopt |
2.7.0 |
nltk |
3.8.1 |
nose |
1.3.7 |
numcodecs |
0.11.0 |
numpy |
1.24.2 |
opencv-python | |
optlang |
1.6.1 |
packaging |
23.0 |
pandas |
1.5.3 |
parso |
0.8.3 |
patsy |
0.5.3 |
Pillow |
9.1.1 |
pillow_heif |
0.8.0 |
pkgconfig |
1.5.5 |
pluggy |
1.0.0 |
py |
1.11.0 |
pyb2d |
0.7.2 |
pyclipper |
1.3.0.post4 |
pycparser |
2.21 |
pycryptodome |
3.17 |
pydantic |
1.10.7 |
pyerfa | |
Pygments |
2.14.0 |
pyheif |
0.7.1 |
pyinstrument |
4.4.0 |
pynacl |
1.5.0 |
pyodide-http |
0.2.0 |
pyparsing |
3.0.9 |
pyproj |
3.4.1 |
pyrsistent |
0.19.3 |
pytest |
7.2.2 |
pytest-benchmark |
4.0.0 |
python-dateutil |
2.8.2 |
python-magic |
0.4.27 |
python-sat |
0.1.7.dev26 |
python_solvespace |
3.0.8 |
pytz |
2023.3 |
pywavelets |
1.4.1 |
pyxel |
1.9.10 |
pyyaml |
6.0 |
rebound |
3.19.8 |
reboundx |
3.7.1 |
regex |
2023.3.23 |
retrying |
1.3.4 |
RobotRaconteur |
0.15.1 |
ruamel.yaml |
0.17.21 |
scikit-image |
0.19.3 |
scikit-learn |
1.2.2 |
scipy |
1.9.3 |
setuptools |
67.6.1 |
shapely |
1.8.2 |
six |
1.16.0 |
smart_open |
6.3.0 |
soupsieve |
2.4 |
sparseqr |
1.2 |
sqlalchemy |
2.0.7 |
statsmodels |
0.13.5 |
svgwrite |
1.4.3 |
swiglpk |
5.0.8 |
sympy |
1.11.1 |
tblib |
1.7.0 |
termcolor |
2.2.0 |
threadpoolctl |
3.1.0 |
tomli |
2.0.1 |
tomli-w |
1.0.0 |
toolz |
0.12.0 |
tqdm |
4.65.0 |
traits |
6.4.1 |
tskit |
0.5.4 |
typing-extensions |
4.5.0 |
uncertainties |
3.1.7 |
unyt |
2.9.5 |
webencodings |
0.5.1 |
wordcloud | |
wrapt |
1.15.0 |
xarray |
2023.3.0 |
xgboost |
1.6.1 |
xlrd |
2.0.1 |
yarl |
1.8.2 |
yt |
4.1.4 |
zarr |
2.13.3 |